Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

12 Ergebnisse.



CHF 29.00

Als mir das Licht unerträglich wurde

Muller-Colard, Marion / Weymann, Marianne
Als mir das Licht unerträglich wurde
«Ich hatte nichts verloren und war nicht krank, als die Klage mich in den Abgrund zog und mich aus dem Kreis der Lebenden verstiess. Die grösste Bedrohung meines Lebens war Vergangenheit: Der Sommer, als mir das Licht unerträglich wurde, hätte zu einem einzigen Fest werden sollen. Der erste Sommer meines Sohns, an dessen Atemzügen wir den ganzen Winter gehangen hatten.» Als Marion Muller-Colards zwei Monate alter Sohn lebensbedrohlich erkrank...

CHF 20.80


Muller-Colard, Marion
Tutti siamo inquieti: fin dalla nascita che ci espone a un mondo completamente nuovo, duro, che non ci siamo scelti. Cosa possiamo fare? Molti lottano contro questo mondo, ma si scontrano con la durissima legge della realtà. Ogni parziale vittoria ci pone di nuovo di fronte al tema: chi ci libererà dalla nostra irrequietezza? Eppure, proprio l'inquietudine è tratto caratteristico del Vangelo stesso, Maria, Giuseppe, Gesù camminano sulle strade...

CHF 23.90

Dr. Freud, Fish Whisperer

Muller-Colard, Marion / Novi, Nathalie
Dr. Freud, Fish Whisperer
Sprawled in his favorite armchair, Dr. Freud notices a peculiar phrase in pages of his notebook: "preaching to the fishes." What could he have meant by this? If there's one thing he has learned working as a psychoanalyst, it's that the best way to make sense of yourself is through your dreams-and so he settles down for a nice long nap. But no sooner does his head hit the pillow than he begins to hear voices! A frightened fish with a childhood ...

CHF 21.90

Bouche cousue

Muller-Colard, Marion (France)
Bouche cousue
Dans la famille d'Amandana, la propreté irréprochable n'est pas qu'un métier. C'est un mode de vie. Rien qui dépasse. Dans le Lavomatique tenu par ses parents, le bruit des machines couvre celui des élans du coeur et du corps. Mais comment faire taire son attirance pour une de ses camarades de lycée?

CHF 11.00

Hannah Arendt's Little Theater

Muller-Colard, Marion / Pollet, Clémence / Street, Anna
Hannah Arendt's Little Theater
Hannah Arendt is not at all keen to build an edifice of ideas or to develop abstract concepts. Rather, she gets on to the stage herself! To enter the scene of her little theater means to take matters into her own hands, take responsibility, to act. In short: Thinking is acting! Whereas the bureaucrats can conceive of only one thing: to build a world out of paper.

CHF 21.90

Profesör Freud Baliklarla Konusuyor

Muller-Colard, Marion
Profesör Freud Baliklarla Konusuyor
Kücük Filozoflar dizisinin 18. kitabi. Marion Muller-Colard yazdi, Nathalie Novi resimledi. Nesrin Demiryontanin cevirisiyle. Bu kurbagalari taniyor musun diye soruyor Profesör merak icinde.Her gün ayni sey, diye icini cekiyor sazan. Id, Üstbenin nilüferine cikmak istiyor, beriki ona bir tokat patlatiyor, Id yeniden dibe iniyor ve inan bana, bütün bunlar Beni cok geriyor.

CHF 15.50